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How To Winterize Plumbing for the Cold Season

Winter may be a time for cozy fires and hot chocolate. But, before you get to the good stuff, it’s important to know how to winterize plumbing.

After all, procrastinating on protecting your pipes can lead to a lot of wintertime woes!

Whether you’re doing it yourself or want to bring in the residential plumbing professionals, the following tips will get your home prepped for the colder season.

Getting Your Plumbing System Prepared for Winters

Preparing your plumbing system for winter is crucial to prevent costly and inconvenient issues such as frozen pipes and burst plumbing fixtures. This article provides valuable tips and guidelines on how to get your plumbing system ready for winter.

Winterproof Your Pipes

There’s nothing worse than dealing with a burst pipe in the middle of a cold winter night. That’s why protecting them is such an important part of how to winterize plumbing.

Start by inspecting your furnace to ensure no issues will arise on that front. As well, make sure there are no pockets of cold in your home that aren’t heated. After all, this might be the unfortunate spot where a pipe freezes!

If there are any exposed pipes around your home, add heat cable and cover them with pipe insulation so they’ll stay warm through winter.   

Worried it may be too late? Learn How to Tell If You Have a Burst Pipe from our recent article.

Stainless steel sink with soap and yellow scrub pad

De-Clog Your Drains

Even if you haven’t noticed any water backup issues or toilet clogs, it can be a good idea to use some drain cleaner for added assurance.

Winter and the holiday season are a busy time, and that can put your drains to the test!

By using an environmentally friendly drain cleaner, you can ensure a little more flexibility from your pipes as you winterize plumbing to prevent damage.

Flush Your Water Heater

Like your car and your home, it’s going to take your water heater a more time in winter to warm up with cooler conditions. That’s why it’s important not to forget to take care of it!

Since more water heater use means more sediment buildup, do some maintenance before the busy holiday season hits. Drain your tank completely and run water through it to get rid of any sediment or buildup.

If you’re not sure how to flush your water heater, be sure to contact our residential plumbing experts who will know how to winterize your plumbing system!

Frozen outside faucet in winter

Don’t Forget the Outside

It’s not just the pipes inside your home that require our tips to winterize plumbing!

Don’t forget to disconnect and drain any hoses attached to your outdoor faucets and store them safely over the season. You’ll also want to make sure to drain your outside faucet so no water backup can lead to frozen pipes inside your home.

When you check your backyard hoses, make sure to check around your home for places cold air might be getting in.

Even a little draft can add a lot to your heating bill so some extra insulation might be required! 


A little winter maintenance can go a long way towards protecting your home from big strife! Instead of procrastinating, be sure to winterize your pipes and clean your drains to minimize the chance of any issues. At the very least, it will make the winter months a little less stressful!

If you need the help of the professionals to winterize plumbing, be sure to contact Plumbing Squad or reach us on our website.

To ensure you are hiring a reputable, trusted plumbing for your plumbing needs, be sure to check out our article “Are You Dealing with Plumbing Scams?

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