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Are You Dealing with Plumbing Scams?

When it comes to your home, taking care of it is key to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of things about home maintenance that the average homeowner doesn’t know. And this can be enticing for certain kinds of scams.

If you require plumbing services but don’t want to deal with plumbing scams, watch out for the following things.

But if you don’t want to DIY it and need to call in the professionals, reach out to Plumbing Squad so our talented emergency plumbing team can help!

Tips To Avoid Plumbing Scams

To avoid falling victim to plumbing scams, there are several important tips to keep in mind. In this article, we have some precautions that will help protect you from plumbing scams and ensure a positive and reliable plumbing experience.

A Verbal Estimate

A qualified plumber should be comfortable providing a quote on paper. As a homeowner, this is something you can go back to if the costs come in higher than expected.

Unfortunately, common plumbing scams often involve providing a running total without putting anything on paper. They may even suggest that emergency plumbing is required, which gives them the ability to charge anything they like.

Be sure you get something on paper to reference before any work is started.

Cash-Only or a High Deposit Amount

A cash-only plumber may simply be trying to avoid taxes. However, this can also be a sign that they’re less than trustworthy. They may be unlicensed or uninsured and looking for a quick buck.

Unfortunately, giving an unlicensed plumber a 50% deposit upfront is among the plumbing repair scams that can leave you without a contractor.

While a deposit isn’t uncommon, be sure it’s not a significant portion of the bill so you’re not left with less.

Overselling It

If you get an uneasy feeling from your plumber, it can be a sign that it’s time to move on to the next option.

A plumber that is pushy or aggressive in selling you on something may be looking to capitalize on your lack of knowledge.

Whether you’re dealing with a burst pipe or a plumbing system check, an experienced plumber will always be happy to provide you with what you need to make an informed choice. They’ll also have the integrity to let the customer decide.

No Credentials

The right plumber will not have a problem providing their license information, insurance, certification, and referrals. But if you’re dealing with one of the plumbing scams out there, they’ll be more hesitant to provide information.

Before you choose a plumber, ensure they’re licensed in the state and can provide you with a few customer references.

If a plumber is even a little hesitant about providing this information, you’ll want to show them the door.


Finding a plumber in a pinch can be a bit of a challenge. But by trusting your instincts, asking for references, and getting a quote on paper, you can be sure to avoid the common plumbing scams out there.

Whatever you decide, taking the time to make an informed decision is the right choice for your home.

If you’re looking for a plumbing professional you can trust, contact the experts at Plumbing Squad or reach us on our website.

If you are worried about keeping your plumbing safe during the cold season, also be sure to check out our guide on How To Winterize Plumbing for the Cold Season.

Also be sure to check out our guide on How to Unclog Your Sink or Drain.

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